bla bla bla bla
This is a single line paragraph.
And here is a multiline paragraph.
This is a third paragraph.
I want to force a line break inside my pragraph when it is rendered to HTML.
`` : `````````````` TMarqueur / formatable quote block `````````````` """"""""""""""" title / cite / date / source """""""""""" You can ``indent`` and **format** the content as you wish. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The text above is rendered like that : """"""""""""""" title / cite / date / source """""""""""" You can ``indent`` and **format** the content as you wish. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ 2. ""raw-text quote blocks"" ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They are used to quote a blob of raw-text, and are rendered as ```` : ```````````````` TMarqueur / raw-text quote block `````````````` '''''''''''''''' title / cite / date / source '''''''''''' You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The text above is rendered like that : '''''''''''''''' title / cite / date / source '''''''''''' You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ 3. ""textarea blocks"" ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They are used to contain any text or code that could be edited by the user. ```````````````` TMarqueur / textarea block `````````````` <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< name / title <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The text above is rendered like that : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< name / title <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< +++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ 4. ""div blocks"" ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ They are used to make custom containers using CSS and or Javascript. The content is interpreted as ||TMarqueur||. ```````````````` TMarqueur / div block `````````````` ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; class / id ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, the preformating will depend on the CSS associated. ||TMarqueur|| formating will be rendered. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The text above is rendered like that : ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; class / id ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, the preformating will depend on the CSS associated. ||TMarqueur|| formating will be rendered. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ 5. ""HTML div blocks"" ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They are used to make custom HTML div. ```````````````` TMarqueur / HTML div block `````````````` :::::::::::::::::::: class / id ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, the preformating will depend on the CSS associated. ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored, but it can contain raw HTML code. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The text above is rendered like that : :::::::::::::::::::: class / id ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, the preformating will depend on the CSS associated. ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored, but it can contain raw HTML code. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [i] note that by default, raw HTML is disabled. To enable it, you'll have to set ``disable_html_blocks`` : ```````` Javascript / with TMarqueur.js ````````` TMarqueur.disable_html_blocks = false ; `````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````` PHP / with TMarqueur.php ````````` \TMarqueur\CONFIG::$disable_html_blocks = false ; ```````````````````````` +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ 6. ""code blocks"" ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ They are used to contains preformated code samples. ``````````````` TMarqueur / code block ```````````````````` ``````````````````` lang / title / source ``````````````````` disclosure-closed bullet item is wrote \n ``> like that`` v disclosure-open bullet item is wrote \n ``v like that`` \n ``V like that`` ^ triangle bullet item is wrote \n ``^ like that`` -- ""Arrow list items"" ((arrow-list-items)) -------------------- -> thin arrow bullet item is wrote \n ``-> like that`` => big arrow bullet item is wrote \n ``=> like that`` L> bended arrow bullet item is wrote\n ``L> like that`` -- ""Decimal list items"" ((decimal-list-items)) --------------------------- 3. decimal ordered item is wrote \n ``3. like that`` 4) decimal ordered item is wrote \n ``4) like that`` 05. decimal-leading-zero ordered item is wrote\n ``05. like that`` 06) decimal-leading-zero ordered item is wrote\n ``06) like that`` [i] Note : you can pick any number you want for your items. They don't have to be ordered. However, the final HTML renderer might replace it with a number based on its own counting. -- ""Alphabetical list items"" ((alphabetical-list-items)) ------------------------------- a. lower-alpha ordered item is wrote \n ``a. like that`` a) lower-alpha ordered item is wrote \n ``a) like that`` A. upper-alpha ordered item is wrote \n ``A. like that`` A) upper-alpha ordered item is wrote \n ``A) like that`` [i] only one letter per item is supported for now, because it might generate false positives with actual words. [i] adding support for roman numbers is also on the %%TODO%% list. -- ""Checkbox list items"" ((checkbox-list-items)) ------------------------ [_] empty-checkbox item is wrote \n ``[] like that``\n ``[ ] like that``\n ``[_] like that`` [x] crossed-checkbox item is wrote\n ``[x] like that``\n ``[X] like that`` [v] checked-checkbox item is wrote\n ``[v] like that``\n ``[V] like that`` -- ""Misc. list items"" ((misc-list-items)) ------------------------- [F] flag item is wrote\n ``[F] like that`` [f] flag item is wrote\n ``[f] like that`` [i] information item is wrote\n ``[i] like that`` [!] warning item is wrote\n ``[!] like that`` ++ Nesting lists ++++++++++++++++++ Lists can be nested without depth restriction : ````````` TMarqueur / Nested list example ````````````` 1. first item 2. second L> first nested item L> second nest item 3. third item 123. with 456. more A. depth * really => as much as you want -> whatever 999. final count [F] and voila ````````````````````````````````````````````````` The example above will be rendered this way (without the horizontal rules) : ----------------------- 1. first item 2. second L> first nested item L> second nest item 3. third item 123. with 456. more A. depth * really => as much as you want -> whatever 999. final count [F] and voila ----------------------- [!] it is important to note that the rendered HTML code might not result in actual HTML nested list depending on the implementation. For instance, and for a matter of simplicity, current implementation of ||TMarqueur.js|| and ||TMarqueur.php|| reproduces the look of an HTML nested list by adding an appropriate identation to each item of a single ```` list. == Links and references ======================== ++ Abbreviations : ++++++++++++++++++ * ``{{ abbreviation / definition }}`` [i] the definition will be displayed if you hover the abbreviation with the mouse. > Example : {{ MAMMOTH / Massive Ancient Mammal of Majestic Opulence and Tremendous Height }} ++ Anchors ++++++++++ Anchors are used for navigating inside an HTML page. ||TMarqueur|| lets you define anchors alsmot anywhere inside your document. For instance, if you create a ``((page-top))`` anchor at the begining of your document, you can add links to it using ``[[#page-top]]``. * ``(( anchor-id ))`` : create an anchor ((anchor-id)). * ``[[ #anchor-id ]]`` : create a link to this [[#anchor-id]] * ``[[ text / #anchor-id ]]`` : create a named link to [[ your anchor / #anchor-id ]] ++ Links +++++++++ As seen above, you can create links to anchors using : -> ``[[#anchor-id]]`` -> ``[[ text / #anchor-id ]]`` You can also use these markers to links to external pages : -> ``[[ url ]]`` -> ``[[ text / url ]]`` -> ``[[ text / url / target ]]`` [i] By default, ||TMarqueur.js|| only accepts these types of url : - anchors : -> ``#anchor-id`` - path to same server documents : -> ``my_page.html`` -> ``/path/page.html`` -> ``../path/page.php`` -> etc - addresses begining with : -> ``http:`` -> ``https:`` -> ``ftp:`` -> ``mailto:`` [!] other schemes, like ``javascript:`` are not accepted by default. [i] By default, ||TMarqueur.js|| only accepts these targets : -> ``__self`` (which is default) -> ``__blanck`` ++ Footnotes ++++++++++++++ Footnotes[[^footnote-example / Footnotes example ]] are indexed at the bottom of your document. ||TMarqueur|| supports manual footnotes, and automatic footnotes. -- Automatic footnotes ---------------------- Automatic footnotes are defined entirely in the middle of your text. They are created like that : ``[[^footnote-id / text ]]`` [i] ``footnote-id`` could just be a number like that[[^1 / example of the simplest footnote-id ]] [i] If you hover the link of an automatic footnote with the mouse, the text will appear. [i] If you click on the link of an automatic footnote, the page will scroll to the bottom of the document where all the footnotes are indexed. [i] The Footnotes will display the text of the note, and a link that will let you scroll back to the text. -- Manual footnotes ---------------------- Manual footnotes are defined in two separate parts : 1. the reference to the footnote : ``[[^footnote-id]]`` [i] the reference is juste an automated footnote without text. 2. the footnote itself : ``[[:footnote-id / text ]]`` [i] the footnote can be defined anywhere inside your raw-text document, but it will be rendered at the bottom of the HTML page, into the "Footnotes" section. [i] this can also be used to override the text of an automated footnote : ``````` TMarqueur / Footnote override example `````````` Here is my text with an automated footnote [[^123 / short note ]]. [[:123 / Here is a longer note that overrides the short note once displayed into the footnote section. ]] [i] If you hover the footnote reference link, you'll see the initial short note. [i] But if you click on the footnote reference link, you'll be scrolled to the footnote section where the overriding long note will be displayed. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Will be rendered like that : ------- Here is my text with an automated footnote [[^123 / short note ]]. [[:123 / Here is a longer note that overrides the short note once displayed into the footnote section. ]] [i] If you hover the footnote reference link, you'll see the initial short note. [i] But if you click on the footnote reference link, you'll be scrolled to the footnote section where the overriding long note will be displayed. -------
`` : ```````````````` TMarqueur / raw-text quote block `````````````` '''''''''''''''' title / cite / date / source '''''''''''' You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The text above is rendered like that : '''''''''''''''' title / cite / date / source '''''''''''' You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ 3. ""textarea blocks"" ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They are used to contain any text or code that could be edited by the user. ```````````````` TMarqueur / textarea block `````````````` <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< name / title <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The text above is rendered like that : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< name / title <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< +++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ 4. ""div blocks"" ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ They are used to make custom containers using CSS and or Javascript. The content is interpreted as ||TMarqueur||. ```````````````` TMarqueur / div block `````````````` ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; class / id ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, the preformating will depend on the CSS associated. ||TMarqueur|| formating will be rendered. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The text above is rendered like that : ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; class / id ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, the preformating will depend on the CSS associated. ||TMarqueur|| formating will be rendered. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ 5. ""HTML div blocks"" ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They are used to make custom HTML div. ```````````````` TMarqueur / HTML div block `````````````` :::::::::::::::::::: class / id ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, the preformating will depend on the CSS associated. ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored, but it can contain raw HTML code. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The text above is rendered like that : :::::::::::::::::::: class / id ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: You can ``indent`` the content as you wish. Though, the preformating will depend on the CSS associated. ||TMarqueur|| formating will be ignored, but it can contain raw HTML code. [i] : The attributes into the opening line are optional. You'll learn more about it it later. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [i] note that by default, raw HTML is disabled. To enable it, you'll have to set ``disable_html_blocks`` : ```````` Javascript / with TMarqueur.js ````````` TMarqueur.disable_html_blocks = false ; `````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````` PHP / with TMarqueur.php ````````` \TMarqueur\CONFIG::$disable_html_blocks = false ; ```````````````````````` +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ 6. ""code blocks"" ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ They are used to contains preformated code samples. ``````````````` TMarqueur / code block ```````````````````` ``````````````````` lang / title / source ``````````````````` disclosure-closed bullet item is wrote \n ``> like that`` v disclosure-open bullet item is wrote \n ``v like that`` \n ``V like that`` ^ triangle bullet item is wrote \n ``^ like that`` -- ""Arrow list items"" ((arrow-list-items)) -------------------- -> thin arrow bullet item is wrote \n ``-> like that`` => big arrow bullet item is wrote \n ``=> like that`` L> bended arrow bullet item is wrote\n ``L> like that`` -- ""Decimal list items"" ((decimal-list-items)) --------------------------- 3. decimal ordered item is wrote \n ``3. like that`` 4) decimal ordered item is wrote \n ``4) like that`` 05. decimal-leading-zero ordered item is wrote\n ``05. like that`` 06) decimal-leading-zero ordered item is wrote\n ``06) like that`` [i] Note : you can pick any number you want for your items. They don't have to be ordered. However, the final HTML renderer might replace it with a number based on its own counting. -- ""Alphabetical list items"" ((alphabetical-list-items)) ------------------------------- a. lower-alpha ordered item is wrote \n ``a. like that`` a) lower-alpha ordered item is wrote \n ``a) like that`` A. upper-alpha ordered item is wrote \n ``A. like that`` A) upper-alpha ordered item is wrote \n ``A) like that`` [i] only one letter per item is supported for now, because it might generate false positives with actual words. [i] adding support for roman numbers is also on the %%TODO%% list. -- ""Checkbox list items"" ((checkbox-list-items)) ------------------------ [_] empty-checkbox item is wrote \n ``[] like that``\n ``[ ] like that``\n ``[_] like that`` [x] crossed-checkbox item is wrote\n ``[x] like that``\n ``[X] like that`` [v] checked-checkbox item is wrote\n ``[v] like that``\n ``[V] like that`` -- ""Misc. list items"" ((misc-list-items)) ------------------------- [F] flag item is wrote\n ``[F] like that`` [f] flag item is wrote\n ``[f] like that`` [i] information item is wrote\n ``[i] like that`` [!] warning item is wrote\n ``[!] like that`` ++ Nesting lists ++++++++++++++++++ Lists can be nested without depth restriction : ````````` TMarqueur / Nested list example ````````````` 1. first item 2. second L> first nested item L> second nest item 3. third item 123. with 456. more A. depth * really => as much as you want -> whatever 999. final count [F] and voila ````````````````````````````````````````````````` The example above will be rendered this way (without the horizontal rules) : ----------------------- 1. first item 2. second L> first nested item L> second nest item 3. third item 123. with 456. more A. depth * really => as much as you want -> whatever 999. final count [F] and voila ----------------------- [!] it is important to note that the rendered HTML code might not result in actual HTML nested list depending on the implementation. For instance, and for a matter of simplicity, current implementation of ||TMarqueur.js|| and ||TMarqueur.php|| reproduces the look of an HTML nested list by adding an appropriate identation to each item of a single ```` list. == Links and references ======================== ++ Abbreviations : ++++++++++++++++++ * ``{{ abbreviation / definition }}`` [i] the definition will be displayed if you hover the abbreviation with the mouse. > Example : {{ MAMMOTH / Massive Ancient Mammal of Majestic Opulence and Tremendous Height }} ++ Anchors ++++++++++ Anchors are used for navigating inside an HTML page. ||TMarqueur|| lets you define anchors alsmot anywhere inside your document. For instance, if you create a ``((page-top))`` anchor at the begining of your document, you can add links to it using ``[[#page-top]]``. * ``(( anchor-id ))`` : create an anchor ((anchor-id)). * ``[[ #anchor-id ]]`` : create a link to this [[#anchor-id]] * ``[[ text / #anchor-id ]]`` : create a named link to [[ your anchor / #anchor-id ]] ++ Links +++++++++ As seen above, you can create links to anchors using : -> ``[[#anchor-id]]`` -> ``[[ text / #anchor-id ]]`` You can also use these markers to links to external pages : -> ``[[ url ]]`` -> ``[[ text / url ]]`` -> ``[[ text / url / target ]]`` [i] By default, ||TMarqueur.js|| only accepts these types of url : - anchors : -> ``#anchor-id`` - path to same server documents : -> ``my_page.html`` -> ``/path/page.html`` -> ``../path/page.php`` -> etc - addresses begining with : -> ``http:`` -> ``https:`` -> ``ftp:`` -> ``mailto:`` [!] other schemes, like ``javascript:`` are not accepted by default. [i] By default, ||TMarqueur.js|| only accepts these targets : -> ``__self`` (which is default) -> ``__blanck`` ++ Footnotes ++++++++++++++ Footnotes[[^footnote-example / Footnotes example ]] are indexed at the bottom of your document. ||TMarqueur|| supports manual footnotes, and automatic footnotes. -- Automatic footnotes ---------------------- Automatic footnotes are defined entirely in the middle of your text. They are created like that : ``[[^footnote-id / text ]]`` [i] ``footnote-id`` could just be a number like that[[^1 / example of the simplest footnote-id ]] [i] If you hover the link of an automatic footnote with the mouse, the text will appear. [i] If you click on the link of an automatic footnote, the page will scroll to the bottom of the document where all the footnotes are indexed. [i] The Footnotes will display the text of the note, and a link that will let you scroll back to the text. -- Manual footnotes ---------------------- Manual footnotes are defined in two separate parts : 1. the reference to the footnote : ``[[^footnote-id]]`` [i] the reference is juste an automated footnote without text. 2. the footnote itself : ``[[:footnote-id / text ]]`` [i] the footnote can be defined anywhere inside your raw-text document, but it will be rendered at the bottom of the HTML page, into the "Footnotes" section. [i] this can also be used to override the text of an automated footnote : ``````` TMarqueur / Footnote override example `````````` Here is my text with an automated footnote [[^123 / short note ]]. [[:123 / Here is a longer note that overrides the short note once displayed into the footnote section. ]] [i] If you hover the footnote reference link, you'll see the initial short note. [i] But if you click on the footnote reference link, you'll be scrolled to the footnote section where the overriding long note will be displayed. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Will be rendered like that : ------- Here is my text with an automated footnote [[^123 / short note ]]. [[:123 / Here is a longer note that overrides the short note once displayed into the footnote section. ]] [i] If you hover the footnote reference link, you'll see the initial short note. [i] But if you click on the footnote reference link, you'll be scrolled to the footnote section where the overriding long note will be displayed. -------